Online Shopping for Android, PHP, Dotnet & Django Python Projects - CodeShoppy

Online Shopping for Android, PHP, Dotnet & Django Python Projects - CodeShoppy The World Wide Web is a place where people can shop, read articles, search for information of all kinds. Like other activities that are carried out by people offline, browsing the Web involves very complex cognitive processes. According to the Cognitive Load Theory, the human cognitive capacity is limited to processing a few pieces of information at a given time, because the cognitive resources available during the execution of a task are limited too. Many authors have pointed out that browsing the Web generally implies a high cognitive load. Interestingly, recent research studies have shown that it is possible to decrease the cognitive load during Web browsing by following specific Web design rule sets and guidelines. Despite this knowledge and the potential relevance of the topic, at the best of our knowledge no study has yet investigated how specific task have an impact in terms of co...