ANALYSIS Webdevelopment TEACHING WAYS Training - Codeshoppy

 ANALYSIS  Webdevelopment TEACHING WAYS Training - Codeshoppy

Five three and fifty seven eight and three-grade students in university participated in this study. Among them, there were 185 students took the course under the first teaching way that teaching every functions of Dreamweaver, Firework and Flash according to the menus of the software. The other 172 students took the course under the second teaching way that teaching according a real living e-commence web site. They were randomly assigned to groups using animation, still-graphic and text treatments before taking the course. They received their treatments and took a criterion test. The material used for designing a web sit which sell second-hand book integrated physics and mathematics concepts in a situated environment. Various scenarios for solving scientific problems were provided. To be successful problem solvers, students need to develop familiarity with several scientific concepts, including levers, direction of force, resultant force, and composition of forces, component forces and equilibrium of force. The lesson was designed in three versions.  Android Project Titles


Two important factors which indirectly influence the Internet shoppers to make some online purchases are the visual layout and the presentation of web page. In this paper, we propose an approach of web page layout analysis in order to assess the design of e-commerce Web sites. Firstly, our proposed method segments each web page into five different blocks: top, left, center, right and bottom. We study three main feature types: spatial, location and presentation, which effect the design of each page. The spatial feature set includes the width-length ratio and relative area of each block while the location feature set is the appearance positions of e-commerce components such as navigation, product index and customer service. The presentation feature set represents page characteristic and navigation menu format that appear on the page or block such as navigator style, menu type, image alignment and text density. To perform the experiments, we consider the top 100 Internet retailers as ranked by the Internet Retailerpsilas Top 500 Guide. We adopt classification algorithms in order to construct a model from the top Web sites against other 100 randomly selected e-commerce Web sites. The experimental results showed that the model which is constructed based on the presentation feature set yields better performance than using the spatial and location feature sets. Php Project Titles

n this section, we organize the web page format before performing classification algorithms. Two steps are used for our preparation. The first step is web page segmentation for dividing the main page into five blocks as shown in Section 3.1. The second step is feature manipulation by using three important features such as spatial, location and presentation 

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