Analyzing Security Property of Android Application - Codeshoppy

 Analyzing Security Property of Android Application - Codeshoppy

As mobile phones are becoming a main approach for people to use to access internet, security is a major concern when people are using their mobile phones. Different from the web browser which has mature isolation mechanisms to protect users’ information such as cookies and credentials, Android app developers have to implement the isolation mechanism suchas the Single Origin Policy (SOP)  themselves. During the implementation process, it is highly likely that there is
vulnerability in the implementation. Therefore, it is necessary to perform analysis to the implementation before it is released to market. As part of an ongoing Ph.D. research project, this dissertation inspects two scenarios. The first scenario is an app which provides Single Sign-on (SSO) service using Facebook SDK. The author builds formal models from the captured network traffic of the app and uses a verifier Proverif to check against the defined properties of the formal models. After the analysis, one vulnerability is discovered which violates SOP. As for the second scenario, it is an initial analysis of informationflow leak in codeshoppy Android apps.

Information security is becoming more and more important nowadays. Companies, governments and militaries are con-necting themselves to the internet for various reasons such as to provide certain services to public, to cooperate with partners and to allow their staffs to work remotely and so on. However, when they connect to internet, they are also exposing a possible entrance for the adversaries to break into their internal networks and to access to their private data if there are vulnerabilities. It is also the same case when it comes to the individual person who connects oneself to the internet with mobile devices. Personal data leak may cause troubles or even financial lost  


As mobile devices are replacing traditional desktop as a main portal to internet, people rely on their mobile devices to handle all sorts of daily activities such as online shopping, internet banking and subscribing to premium services, which are almost impossible in the past on mobile devices. One might not even realize that its mobile device stores so much of its personal information that the security of such information on these mobile devices has become a critical and serious problem 

Since the maturation of next generation mobile communication technology based on IP packet switching
technology, as well as the integration and development of  mobile communications technology and Internet technology,  mobile Internet technology absolutely will be an important  development area in future. While its related products and  applications will also be widely promoted. Equipments  positioning show is an important part of the asset management  system, its real-time and efficiency is particularly important.  At present, the asset equipments management systems based on Codeshoppy Android platform are still immature. Most management  systems are based on the traditional Web applications. However, since the environment which the person need not use the equipments in is not fixed and complex, Web applications only can work under a network connection, so Web-based positioning equipments management software is  inconvenient for searching equipments and its access conditions are limited. The Android platform can solve these  problems for its openness, rich hardware resources and portability. What’s more, it can get rid of the shackles of the operator as well as its seamless integration with Google  applications .

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