Dynamic Machine Translation of Croatian Academic Web Sites - CodeShoppy

 Dynamic Machine Translation of Croatian Academic Web Sites - CodeShoppy

Web sites internationalization of Croatian web sites is a problem remained from the beginnings of web. In most cases, only some general information that are rarely changed are available in foreign languages, and the reason for that is the lack of human resources to make translations, as well as the need of software adaptations to support multilingualism. This paper analyses some lexical characteristics of the selected Croatian academic web sites, compared with some other, like daily newspapers and culinary web sites in order to find out their suitability for machine translation. The findings are compared to the actual state of our dynamic translation system for web contents, named as Domain Translator.
Interaction of the System Usually, pure e-commerce website only one way interaction even no feedback from both seller and buyer, while social commerce is focus on social interaction and set a place for users to share information, experience, rating, and comments. Social commerce brings advantages for both business and customers. For business, social commerce will open bigger opportunities to increase market share and increase number of visitors if branding success, this will gain more customers and increase profit in the future.For customer perspective, the advantages because social commerce website give many information for one products and review, this will help customers to find the best product and avoid them to buy wrong product. Customer also can easily find information using social media and recommendation from other users . Customer experience will affect user whether they want to visit the website again or not . Customer experience is built by the good design of website and good quality of website.

Concerning about the value creation of B2C companyWeb site, many researchers have contributed to this issue within academic domain. Madeja proposed a path model to investigate how eight Web site features impact firm value and found that media richness and variety and ease-of-use were the key value drivers of B2C companies . Palmer did a series of three studies to develop and validate Web site usability, design andperformance metrics including download delay, navigability, site content, interactivity, and responsiveness . Agarwal applied heuristic evaluation procedure for assessing a firm’s Web site. During the evaluation study, users were asked to assume different roles—a consumer or an investor to rate multiple Web sites. And the results indicated that a consumer’s major concern is different from an investor’s in that consumers pay more attention to the ability of a Web site to appeal to their emotions.  webdesign

It is very important for all online company to design a good and quality website for users. Design and appearance of the website is the first thing customers see . In creating a good design and quality website, the model of design principles of website is built. The main of characteristics for social commerce are individual aspect, conversation aspect, community aspect, and commerce aspect. The components are layer in social commerce. Individual means that the website provides users to create their own personal profile and activity profile, they are able to show themselves in the way they want. Individual layer support the next layer, which is conversation where they receiving notification, content sharing, and information sharing. After they able to conversation, they also can involve in community, and using this community they able to buy products based on recommendation or just to have group shopping. All of the layers are connected with website quality, they are information quality, service quality, system quality, usability and also playfulness, this bring whatever the features are, website quality is in all layers 



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