Design the framework of web site and webdesign development - Codeshoppy

 Design the framework of web site and webdesign development - Codeshoppy

Web site designrdquo. In class a real Web site of e-commerce as a model used through all course. Students learn to set the Web site step by step following the model. Finally they would set a Web site by themselves. The model Web site just like a thread to put all the knowledge of Web site in together.

Our contributions in this paper include: 1) to discover the significant features based on visual and presentation factors, which influence the e-commerce web design, 2) to propose a framework for accessing the web page visual layout, and 3) to perform empirical verification and effectiveness of visual and presentation features. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2, we present related works, in Section 3, we formalize the e-commerce feature classification model, in Section 4, we explain our proposed system, in Section 5, we give the experimental results and finally, we summarize the paper in Section.  Php Projects


Previous study showed that visual and layout are two important influencing factors on web page design .Customers may stay or leave those web sites depend on the first impression with the appearance on the web page. Existing work has been performed to study some features of web page format and location appearance on the screen. Adkission, H. et al. studied the location occurrence of e-commerce web sites component but did not perform to the other features, nor identify the good design in the e-commerce web sites. Ivory, M.Y. et al.  only identified the general web site pattern but did not consider the good design pattern in e-commerce web sites. Robins, D. et al.  illustrated that high aesthetic treatment in the web sites will present a professional look and feel appropriate for organization. Their result has been done by human judgment. Kovacevic, M. et al.  considered web page segmentation to five blocks for improving search engine techniques. Their results showed better performance when using web page segmentation compare with un-segmentation. Cai, al.  implemented VIPS algorithm for segmentation web page by using Dom tree technique and visual format in the web page. Dom tree is initially introduced for representation HTML object rather than semantic or visual meaning. Wu, C. et al.adopted VIPS algorithm for extraction of the product information of e-commerce web sites.   Android Projects

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