Local Services Info Based Application - Codeshoppy

 Local Services Info Based Application - Codeshoppy

My project is “Local Services of Home Appliance Repair”. Objective of this system is to providing a PC Grid. Solution focused on the workers of unorganized sector includes mason, carpenters, gardener, painter etc. PC Grid is a Web-based solution through which workers registered themselves for a specific skill. Using this system general public or organized sector user can select the workers as per their need. At the time of worker selection he/she can view the skill, references given by those who have taken their service in the past, area (worker location) and availability of a particular workers System sends SMS to a selected workers regarding work and customer details. Workers confirm either through phone or this system and either fixed up meeting or work start date. Codeshoppy Organized sector user or general public can rate worker skill, charges, particularity about time, dedication, behavior, habits etc. through this system. Users can put their demands regarding particular skill workers along with project location, and project details.



Local Services is a web portal. In this website users can find the details of workers from the different skill areas easily. By using this website general user knows easily about the workers and their skills. Users also find the types of skills and semi skills available in web site and also workers in the corresponding skills and semi skills. And the administration is fixed charges for the semi skill based on the skills and semi skills. This process is very useful for the users who want to give the work for the worker’s. At the same time workers also expose their multi skills to get the work and earn the money easily. Users can give the feedback for the workers.

Module Description:

Worker (from unorganized sector)

The Worker should able to register to the site with their contact details, skill set, semi-skill set, their ID proof details mandatorily. These users are authenticated to the website by providing the credentials which they got at the time of registration. The User authentication process through a Web Service. This user should able to see the ratings and they can provide ratings. Should have facility to communicate with other users like Admin, , general public.

General Public

The General Public can look into the site to get the Workers for the house-hold work like Electrical, Carpentry, Plumbing, Washing, etc. The General Public should able to see the Workers details like Skill set, Semi-Skill set, Contact details, etc. They should also have facility to see the feedback given by Customers, previous Owners, etc. to get knowledge about the Workers working style.


This module contains all the information about the authenticated user. User without his username and password can’t enter into the login, if he is only the authenticated user then he can enter to his login and he can see the his details and his document details.

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