Usage the web technologies - Codeshoppy

 Usage the web technologies - Codeshoppy

The article presents the result of research of an exemplary website concerning Polish Angling Association. The whole project is based on the free web technologies. The site enables anglers and active workers of angling area as well as members of the Polish Angling Association, a quick access to information concerning current activity of angling area. The site facilitates access to statistics including the data that concerns fishing in basins as well as inspections of restocked water bodies in the angling area.

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A lot of methods that can be implemented for image enhancement using Matlab software such as Gabor Filter
technique , using Spiral technique and more. Nowadays, the latest version of Matlab has Image
Processing Toolbox which make easier to the user. One of the most widely cited fingerprint enhancement techniques is the method employed by Hong et al. , which is based on the convolution of the image with Gabor filters tuned to the local ridge orientation and ridge frequency. The main stages of this algorithm include normalisation, ridge orientation estimation, ridge frequency estimation and filtering. A simple method has been done by WuZhili , with is his own algorithm method. In this project, WuZhili’s method has been chosen as main reference.

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